Akoma Organic Lavender Essential Oil, 10ml
Steam distillation.
The best grades of essential lavender oil are distilled from the highest quality aromatic French lavender flowers.
Several varieties of lavender are used medicinally, but Lavendula angustifolia is the most versatile and is the one used most widely. This highly complex oil has over two hundred components, each one of which has a different therapeutic effect. When a person is treated with an essential oil, he or she is able to absorb the qualities that his or her body particularly needs.
Lavender oil can be invigorating or deeply soothing and even promote sleep, depending on the needs of the user. For example, an eczema sufferer who has also suffered insomnia as a result of the itching, can benefit from essential lavender oil in multifarious ways: the itching skin can be soothed and disinfected; the effect of the oil also finds its way to any nervous tension, acts as an emotional analgesic and promotes the much-needed deep sleep.
The use of lavender oil exemplifies the synergistic, some would say magical, properties of essential oils.
- Treatment of burns, eczema and skin healing generally
- Used to treat sleeping difficulties and insomnia
- Antiseptic
- Antibacterial
- Antiparasitic
- Analgesic (pain relief) especially for headaches, labour pains, muscular pains
- Treatment of colds and coughs
- Deeply soothing for the nervous system
- Boosts the immune system
Blends well with
Rose, geranium, ylang ylang, tea tree, camomile, orange, bergamot, rosemary, clary sage, cedarwood and clove.
Generally considered safe, subject to the usual precautions