6 Books in 6 Weeks: Summer Reading Challenge 5-12 Year Olds.

MyBookbasket Summer Reading Challenge for 5-12 year olds.
Wondering how to keep the children entertained this summer? Get them registered for the MyBookbasket summer reading challenge. Support their continued learning and boost their imaginations with 1 book a week over 6 weeks. Not only will you keep their brain cells ticking over but they could be in for a chance of winning 6 new books for their age group COMPLETELY FREE!!
For further details click here to register but don't delay as the last date for registrations is the 9th August.
Once your child has completed his/her challenge don't forget for them to email us on contact@mybookbasket.com with their fabulous ending to the following sentence:
I love reading because...
Please head your email Summer Reading Challenge and don't forget to add the name of the child and the title of the six books they have completed online reviews for.
To complete each book review simply search for the book title on the Mybookbasket.com website, scroll to the end of the page and click on 'write a review'.
For further queries see the About us page for further contact details.
Lets get reading!